I Was Kicked Off Twitter for Being Pro-Abortion

3 min readJul 23, 2022


Image by Darko Djurin from Pixabay Modified with Akvis Software

So, I wasn’t exactly pro-abortion in my comments, I was just anti-men who have imposed egregious rules on women’s reproductive choices. And I wasn’t exactly kicked off, I was suspended until I admitted I had posted “hate speech”. Then I would be placed in the”penalty box” for days.

I don’t have the exact Tweet but, in my response to the tale of a miscarrying woman in Texas who could find no doctor to treat her, for fear of legal reprisal, I responded this:

This makes me furious. I wish upon those “men” who imposed this hardship on her the affliction of a bad case of Peyronie's disease and hope they will be unable to find a doctor that will treat them.

For a male, Peyronie's would perhaps be about as personal as any reproductive organ affliction gets, short of a STD.

The backlash was immediate from Twitter. I had Tweeted hate speech against a “protected class” based on gender and was suspended.

Now to be clear on this. I have a penis. I’ve had it since birth. I’m a straight male physically, no Peyronie's. I am part of that “protected class” I am alleged to hate. I don’t hate myself but if I had adopted the current stance of trying to outlaw abortion, and created a collateral medical mess in the process, I would accept my penile karma gracefully. Along with two injections, given over two sessions, six weeks apart, with a series of appropriately placed stretching weights in between.

Here is the problem. All over Twitter is a raging debate over abortion, women’s reproductive rights and women’s healthcare. Rape, incest, miscarriage, life of the mother… The debate continues in earnest day and night. Who, when, where, why…does the life of the mother count more than the life of the fetus? There are even those who spout some nonsense about abortion happening in the ninth month. That’s called birth, not abortion. I’m not stupid.

It is as if there is not a living, breathing, female, human being in the middle of all that chatter. She doesn’t matter, only what happens with her uterus? She’s a person!

When you read the argument, the pendulum swings right, left, right left. The debate lingers on with only shouts as common sense runs away. Somewhere in the middle of this debate are women who lost control over their own reproductive organs. No one yet took control of men’s reproductive organs. To deny women control of their bodies is, in my male opinion, the true hate. Women have been reduced to being a uterus that can be dictated to and controlled by laws made by mostly men. The woman’s wishes be damned.

Is anybody kicking those speaking hate against women’s reproductive freedoms off Twitter? Nope! A bad case of Peyronie's, with no access to treatment, would be about as close as a human with a penis can get to having their reproductive rights infringed upon. I merely pointed this out. It was intended to be darkly humorous.

Undoubtedly at the other end of my tweet was some guy making twenty percent more than his female counterpart who suddenly clutched his stuff, grimaced for a moment, then hit the suspend button on me.

I rest my case. From the penalty box.

