The Whole Truth and Don’t Deny It!

3 min readApr 30, 2023


I’m pissed. Sincerely pissed. Before I begin my tirade please read this excerpt from the Washington Post below:

Manhunt underway for gunman who killed five neighbors, sheriff says

By Justine McDaniel, Andrea Salcedo, Mark Berman and Dan Rosenzweig-Ziff Updated April 29, 2023 at 7:44 p.m. EDT|Published April 29, 2023 at 8:20 a.m. EDT

A man killed five people, including an 8-year-old boy, with an AR-15-style weapon Friday night in an angry response to his neighbors’ request that he stop shooting in his yard while their baby was trying to sleep, according to Texas authorities.

Instead of heeding his neighbors’ request, the man allegedly took the gun, went to their house and killed half the people inside. He then fled…

I have watched the gun crisis in the United States of America, where I live, escalate practically daily. I have marched, I have written, I have paid for campaigns for sane and sensible gun laws. Nothing.

All I want is a well regulated Militia that will assure justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity. Our posterity being our children and our children’s children for all time. We have failed even the very beginning of our own Constitution miserably because of our undue focus on the Second Amendment.

I have been saying for years that when the population acquires enough guns of war there will be a tipping point when these gun owners will then realize they have no good use for these guns they spent lots of money to obtain and will begin to look for an excuse, any excuse, to use them. Knock on the wrong door…blam. Complain the noise of shooting your AR-15 in your front yard is keeping the baby awake? Time to go to war against the enemy next door. Blam. How many other stories are like this? Schools, supermarkets, shopping malls, concert venues… Blam, blam, blam…

I’ve heard the excuses.

No one can really define what an assault rifle is so… I call bullshit.

AR doesn’t mean assault rifle it means… Kinda sorta technically true, but that’s like the child who drops the cookie jar on the floor then eats the ones that fall out so they can say they didn’t eat out of the cookie jar.

Guns don’t kill people, people kill… NO…IDIOT…IT’S PEOPLE WITH GUNS THEY SHOULDN’T BE ABLE TO OWN THAT KILL PEOPLE! It’s like saying people hit by cars going too fast weren’t killed by the two-thousand pound hunk of metal, they were killed by the idiot behind the steering wheel. True, in it’s purest sense, but that idiot, minus that hunk of metal capable of going high speeds, could do very little damage if they ran into me with just their body in a crosswalk.

I could rant all day. I’m not going to do that.

Facts are facts and guns of war, with idiots pulling triggers, are killing our children and our adults.

Every nation has mental illness so don’t drag out the mental health bullshit excuse. And before you pull the bullshit line that I, and the government, want to take away all your guns. Wrong! I just want sensible gun laws and to keep weapons of war for legitimate battle, not wars against each other.

Five people now have no further life. An eight year old’s life has come to an abrupt end. Is this really what it means to be free? Freedom ended on this day for these five citizens just trying to live a tranquil life. Their lives, and their surviving family and friends lives, will no longer have domestic tranquility and the Blessings of Liberty. A thief, with a weapon of war, stole from them their share of the protections of the Constitution. It ended because no one had the balls in Congress to do something about our gun problem.

And save your thoughts and prayers. It’s too late for these five and for those who surrounded them with love and care.

